
Announcing Brian and Yonatan’s Promotion

Team promotion

We are happy to announce that Brian Sack and Yonatan Mandelbaum have been promoted to Principal.

Announcing Brian and Yonatan’s Promotion

Brian and Yonatan have been with us from the very beginning, and quickly became core members of our investment team. Witnessing their growth from their first days at the fund to today has been incredible for myself, Eitan and Shahar and we are excited to continue working closely with them in their new role.

As our founders are well aware, Brian and Yonatan have always been trusted with sourcing deals, leading diligence processes and supporting portfolio companies as board observers. All of that will continue going forward, but there is one significant change in their new position.

In TLV III they will be leading their own deals.

Adding two additional check writers is not a decision we made lightly, but it is one we have the utmost confidence in. We can’t wait to see the continued success of the two of them within TLVP.